CASS Community BOF Days

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Introducing CASS: The Consortium for the Advancement of Scientific Software


CASS Formation Team:

SSO Representatives:


The Consortium for the Advancement of Scientific Software (CASS, has recently been formed with the mission of stewarding and advancing the current and future ecosystem of scientific computing software. The Consortium members are software stewardship organizations (SSOs) tasked with such activities for various portions of the ecosystem. The initial member organizations (COLABS, CORSA, PESO, S4PST, STEP and SWAS, together with the FASTMath and RAPIDS SciDAC Institutes) have been supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) as part of the Next-Generation Scientific Software Technologies (NGSST) program to steward the ASCR scientific software portfolio, including products developed or enhanced as part of the Exascale Computing Project (ECP) Software Technologies. As a member-driven organization, CASS is open to other software stewardship organizations joining too. In this BoF, we will introduce the member organizations of CASS as well as plans for CASS going forward.