CASS Community BOF Days

2024 CASS Community BOF Days

June 11-13, 2024

We are pleased to announce the 2024 CASS Community Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) Days, led by the newly established Consortium for the Advancement of Scientific Software (CASS) and hosted by the Partnering for Scientific Software Ecosystem Stewardship (PESO) project. This event builds on the ECP Community BOF Days, hosted by the DOE Exascale Computing Project (ECP) during 2021–2023.

CASS Community BOF Days enable the high-performance computing community to engage with scientific software teams to discuss their latest development efforts. Each of the 2024 BOF sessions on a given topic will last from 60 to 90 minutes and include a brief overview and a Q&A. We will use Zoom to conduct the BOFs.

Please note:

Date Time (ET) Topic (Select Title for Details) Slides
June 11 11 am Exploring the Landscape of AI and ML in Compiler Development: Pros and Cons Available
  11 am Foundations Forum Available
  1 pm Introducing CASS: The Consortium for the Advancement of Scientific Software Available
  3 pm SUNDIALS User Experiences Available soon
  3 pm Near-term Challenges and Opportunities for I/O Available
Date Time (ET) Topic (Select Title for Details) Slides
June 12 11 am MPICH: A High-Performance Open Source MPI Library for Leadership-class HPC Systems Available
  11 am Differentiable and Portable Programming for Science Available soon
  3 pm ParaView and Catalyst Available
  3 pm Building an Inclusive and Productive Community from Many Organizations to Support Software Stewardship Available
Date Time (ET) Topic (Select Title for Details) Slides
June 13 11 am Kokkos Ecosystem - State of the Union Available soon
  3 pm Better Scientific Software Fellowship Community Available