CASS Community BOF Days

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Foundations Forum



In this BOF, CORSA (Center for Open-Source Research and Scientific Software Advancement) kicks off a series of public ‘foundation forums’ to support the growth of the research and scientific software ecosystem toward open-source software foundation stewardship. The forums will provide a resource and information exchange, including best practices on positioning projects for capitalizing on the resources and community structures offered by foundations. We will collectively create a list of questions that projects of various sizes may have and determine community needs.

An outcome of the foundation forums over time will be the creation of foundation pathway plans to provide key details on the offerings of different pathways and steps to be taken in joining foundations.

The forums will be an opportunity to engage with a number of open-source software foundations, including NumFOCUS, the Linux Foundation, the recently announced High Performance Software Foundation (HPSF) - a sub-foundation of Linux Foundation, the Eclipse Foundation, and others. The ‘foundations forum’ encourages membership from government agencies, government laboratories, academia, industry, other not-for-profits, and the foundations themselves. This forum facilitates discussions on funding needs, infrastructure, stewardship practices, and advancement goals and strategies.