Fast algebra for element-based discretizations

Area: Mathematical libraries

CASS member: FASTMath


libCEED provides performance-portable algebra for element-based discretizations, including preconditioning ingredients and particle-field operations. libCEED is meant to be readily embeddable in libraries and applications, and provides support for C/C++, Rust, Julia, Python, and Fortran callers. It isolates the architecture-specific code within the library and provides state of the art performance for CPUs and NVIDIA, AMD, and Intel GPUs, which may be selected at run-time.

Target audience

Developers of finite-element and finite-volume applications and libraries will find libCEED easy to embed to provide high-performance element operations on CPUs and NVIDIA, AMD, and Intel GPUs. It provides building blocks for preconditioning and particle-field operations. It supports callers from C/C++, Rust, Julia, Python, and Fortran. It is used by cutting-edge solvers for applications such as scale-resolving compressible turbulent flow, nonlinear solid mechanics, compound flooding, and electromagnetics simulation for quantum computing design. There is an international community

Additional resources

Developer resources

Impact stories