High-performance finite element library

Area: Mathematical libraries

CASS member: FASTMath


MFEM is an advanced finite element library that provides high-performance meshing, discretization and solver algorithms for HPC simulations on unstructured grids. It is the simulation engine for many DOE application codes and has a large user community in the national labs, industry, and academia. MFEM has state-of-the-art support for high-order methods, GPU acceleration, AMR, matrix-free solvers, etc. It is highly scalable on a wide variety of platforms, ranging from laptops to supercomputers.

Target audience

MFEM can accelerate HPC application on unstructured grids, particularly large-scale simulations of partial differential equations on GPU platforms. This is of interest to both industry and many projects in the DOE. MFEM is particularly impactful in multi-physics problems, or when high accuracy or robustness is required. In addition, MFEM can be used for research and teaching in academia.

Additional resources

End-user resources

Developer resources

Impact stories