An open forum for projects to meet and share experiences with joining or membership in an open-source software foundation

Membership: Open (contact the chair to participate)

Meeting schedule: 12:00pm-1:00 pm CT, last Wednesday of the month

Chair: Daniel S. Katz (UIUC)


Purpose: An open forum for projects to meet and share experiences with joining or membership in an open-source software foundation (e.g., NumFOCUS, High Performance Software Foundation, etc.)

Read the rest of the charter (the CASS by-laws require additional information in the charter)

Expected lifetime: Standing

Expected membership: Open

Reporting expectations: Annually

Charter approval status: Provisional, since early October 2024

Additional resources

  • Slack channel #wg-foundations
  • Website (more detailed information, including agendas for future meetings, and notes and recordings of past meetings)