Impact Framework
Curating the CASS Impact Framework process
Membership: Open (contact the chair to participate)
Meeting schedule: 2:00pm-1:00pm ET Tuesdays, bi-weekly from 2025-01-14
Chair: David Bernholdt (ORNL)
Purpose: The purpose of the Impact Framework Working Group (WG) is to develop and refine the CASS Impact Framework process, and advise on and curate its use across the consortium. The CASS Impact Framework (IF) process is intended to provide a uniform, but flexible approach to gathering information to help the CASS member organizations understand the status and progress made by supported software projects with respect to the quality and sustainability of the software, and the impact those and other improvements have had on the usage of the software and on its ability to support scientific discovery.
Read the rest of the charter (the CASS by-laws require additional information in the charter)
Relationships to other working groups: We will collaborate with the Metrics WG to identify or develop, implement, and analyze appropriate metrics to support the needs of the IF process.
Expected lifetime: Standing. We plan a process of review and refinement each time the IF is used.
Expected membership: Open
Reporting expectations: Quarterly
Charter approval status: Provisional, since 2024-09-17
Additional resources
- Slack channel #wg-impact-framework