Improving quality, sustainability, and interoperability across the scientific software ecosystem
Membership: Open (contact the chair to participate)
Meeting schedule: 4:00pm-4:50pm ET, every 4th Monday, including Jan 13, 2025
Chair: Jim Willenbring (SNL)
Purpose: The CASS Integration Working Group’s goal is to enhance the quality, sustainability, efficiency, and interoperability of scientific and AI software. This happens at two levels: (1) ecosystem level – improving how different software products and communities work together (interoperability); and (2) software product level – improving individual libraries and tools within our software portfolios including programming systems, data and visualization, math libraries, tools, and workflows. Since different product communities have unique needs and development stages, focusing on both the broader ecosystem and specific products is essential for creating a well-integrated software environment.
Read the rest of the charter (the CASS by-laws require additional information in the charter)
Relationships to other working groups: Integration working group efforts are often synergistic with the Impact Framework and User-Developer Experience (UDX) working groups.
Expected lifetime: Standing
Expected membership: Open
Reporting expectations: Quarterly
Charter approval status: Provisional, since 2024-08-19
Additional resources
- Slack channel #wg-integration