Software Ecosystem
Planning and executing activities that support and enhance holistic collaboration across the breadth of the CASS community member organizations to sustain and advance our software libraries and tools usage as a curated portfolio
Membership: Open (contact the chair to participate)
Meeting schedule: 2:00pm-3:00pm ET, every other Tuesday, including Feb 11, 2025
Chair: Michael A. Heroux (ParaTools)
Purpose: The CASS Software Ecosystem Working Group focuses on sustaining and improving collaboration across CASS community, promoting activities in support of the scientific software ecosystem. Our efforts include promoting a curated portfolio of independently-developed, interoperable, and interchangeable libraries and tools that enable the development and use of application codes in the pursuit of scientific discovery. We interpret the opportunities broadly to include community development, outreach, best practices in adopting and using the software portfolio, and more.
Read the rest of the charter (the CASS by-laws require additional information in the charter)
Relationships to other working groups: The software ecosystem working group efforts are often synergistic with the Software Integration, Impact Framework and User-Developer Experience (UDX) working groups.
Expected lifetime: Standing
Expected membership: Open
Reporting expectations: Annually
Charter approval status: Provisional, since 2025-02-11
Additional resources
- Slack channel #wg-ecosystem