Promote improved user-developer experiences

Membership: Open (contact the chairs to participate)

Meeting schedule: First Tuesday of odd months, beginning 6 May 2025, at 12:00pm Eastern

Chairs: Hannah Cohoon (LBNL), Drew Paine (LBNL)


Purpose: The User-Developer Experience (UDX) Working Group (WG) brings together groups and individuals interested in science of scientific software development and use. The UDX WG provides a forum for discussions on understanding and improving how users and developers interact with and experience scientific software. The UDX WG discussions focus on both the libraries and tools used while creating code as well as the software produced through those efforts. Topics include how documentation is presented and maintained; how applications are updated and installed; how code contributions from dispersed developers are managed and integrated; how tasks are arranged into workflows; how web, desktop, and command line interfaces are leveraged; how organizational policies are navigated, and beyond.

Read the rest of the charter (the CASS by-laws require additional information in the charter)

Relationships to other working groups: We will interact with the Metrics and Impact Framework WGs if we discover information that could inform efforts of these WGs or can ourselves benefit from their progress.

Expected lifetime: Standing. Subject to annual review of needs and purpose.

Expected membership: Open

Reporting expectations: Annually

Charter approval status: Provisional, since 2025-01-10

Additional resources