A high performance open-source implementation of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard

Area: Programming models and runtimes

CASS member: S4PST


MPICH is a widely used, open­-source implementation of the MPI message passing standard. It has been ported to many platforms and used by major HPC vendors and research groups as the basis for their own MPI implementations. MPICH addresses many challenges in scaling up to large supercomputers, including performance and memory usage, to ensure the MPI standard is efficiently implemented on new hardware including GPUs and accelerators.

Target audience

The scientist relies on Message Passing Interface (MPI) to create portable software. MPICH and MPICH-derived vendor MPI libraries offers the best performance and scalability on some of the largest supercomputers today. It allows scientists and developers to write their applications once, and move them to different HPC systems with good performance.

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