Collection of reusable scientific software libraries

Area: Mathematical libraries

CASS member: FASTMath


The Trilinos software suite comprises a collection of reusable scientific libraries, providing linear, non-linear, and optimization solvers, as well as discretizations. It excels in parallel computing, utilizing sparse linear solvers and a range of data structures and functions for parallel linear algebra. Trilinos is compatible with major parallel architectures, leveraging the Message Passing Interface (MPI) for inter-node parallelism and the Kokkos programming model for intra-node parallelism, ensuring that its source code can be compiled for diverse computing environments. The software is organized into distinct packages, each with its own identity, allowing for simultaneous development and recognition within the research community.

Target audience

Trilinos is primarily designed for developers of scientific applications, serving as a versatile tool for both research and production environments.

Additional resources

Impact stories