The Extreme-scale Scientific Software Development Kit

Area: Mathematical libraries

CASS member: FASTMath


xSDK is a collection of related, complimentary, and interoperable math libraries installable via spack package manager. The current xSDK release includes 26 math libraries: AMReX, ArborX, ButterFlyPACK, DataTransferKit, deal.ii, ExaGO, Ginkgo, heFFTe, HiOp, hypre, libEnsemble, MAGMA, MFEM, Omega_h, PETSc/TAO, PHIST, PLASMA, preCICE, PUMI, SLATE, SLEPc, STRUMPACK, SUNDIALS, SuperLU, TASMANIAN, and Trilinos.

Target audience

Computational Scientists and Engineers; Numerical Analysts; High-Performance Computing Practitioners; Software Developers of Scientific Applications; Educators and Students.

Additional resources

End-user resources

Developer resources

Impact stories