An open source, interactive, scalable, visualization, animation and analysis tool.

Area: Data and visualization



VisIt is a free, open source, platform-independent, distributed, parallel visualization tool for visualizing data defined on two- and three-dimensional structured and unstructured meshes. VisIt’s distributed architecture allows it to leverage both the compute power of a large parallel computer and the graphics acceleration hardware of a local workstation. VisIt’s user interface is often run locally on a Windows, Linux, or macOS desktop computer while its compute engine component runs in parallel on a remote computer. VisIt’s distributed architecture allows VisIt to visualize simulation data where it was generated, eliminating the need to move the data to a visualization server. VisIt can be controlled by its Graphical User Interface (GUI), through the Python and Java programming languages, or from a custom user interface you develop yourself.

Target audience

VisIt is a scalable production visualization and analysis tool widely used throughout DOE. It is designed to support visualization at scale.

Additional resources

Impact stories